
    • Why can't Tony Vargas of VTT comprehend elementary school math?

      Does Tony Vargas (Vargas Turbocharger Technologies) suffer from mental retardation? Quite possibly. It may explain his propensity for beating women and general douchebaggery as well as his inability to do basic arithmetic.

      Now, your feelings on woman beating and being a douchebag aside (for the record, the BoostAddict Automotive Performance Network is vehemently against beating women and being a douchebag) math is objective.

      2+2 = 4.

      That is a simple fact, undeniable.

      So, what explains Tony Vargas' inability to process basic mathematics?

      See here:

      Tony somehow got confused on how to calculate drivetrain losses from a Dynojet. With a 15% loss figure all one has to do is divide the RWHP by .85. Tony couldn't comprehend this for some reason:

      The issue at hand was G80 M3 S58 drivetrain losses. A calculation someone involved in tuning for years (or are the Chinese far more involved with VTT than Tony?) should not have any trouble with.

      So a man who claims to know everything about turbocharging and tuning with the absolute best turbos on the face of the earth (stop laughing) can't do elementary school math?

      Hmm, perhaps Vargas isn't as bright as he says he is and his turbos aren't as good as he tells everyone on forums where he threatens to leave every five seconds unless any critical question exposing him for what he is happens to be deleted/censored.

      Whatever your opinion on this may be, the math doesn't lie.

      This article was originally published in forum thread: Why can't Tony Vargas of VTT comprehend elementary school math? started by Sticky View original post
      Comments 22 Comments
      1. subaru335i's Avatar
        subaru335i -
        This man never going to show his face here again (if he did it would be blurry ��).

        I 100% believe he would try to flex with other peoples cars because he was such a blatant clout chaser that Rob Dyrdek would blur out his face to $#@! with him.
      1. IllSic_Design's Avatar
        IllSic_Design -
        WOW never knew that was him on Rob's show..... .LMFAO that is funny $#@!